The origins of our storms can be traced to three primary sources:
1. Some storms are caused by the sin and irresponsible actions of other people. You cannot change the past or the consequences of their actions, but you can go to the Word of God to find answers on how to respond. Forgiveness is essential
During the earthly ministry of Jesus, His disciples once came to Him with an interesting request:
One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray,”… (Luke 11:1)
Speaking God’s Word to the mountains in your life is not like rubbing a rabbit’s foot and hoping for good luck! Speaking God’s promises sincerely and in faith simply confirms that you believe that God means what He said in His Word. It means that you
understand the “terms of your Contract.” (“Contract” being a modern-day term for “covenant” or New
The Bible tells us that Satan is our Adversary. He opposes us in our walk with God and uses many tricks and devices to attempt to deceive us. One of his tactics is to send a “spirit of heaviness” upon us. When people say, “I am so depressed,” they likely
do not have “clinical depression.” Instead, the Adversary is OPPRESSING them with Heaviness in their soul. In fact, there is a spirit named Heaviness. His job is to keep you oppressed and feeling glum and hopeless.