During the earthly ministry of Jesus, His disciples once came to Him with an interesting request:
One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray,”… (Luke 11:1)
Notice that Jesus was praying. The disciples must have noticed that there was something different about how Jesus prayed.
The disciples did not ask how to preach or become ordained ministers. They did not ask how to build relationships. They did not even ask Jesus to teach them to perform miracles and physical healings. They asked Jesus to teach them how to pray!
Why would the disciples make such a request? I believe it was because they had witnessed the powerful results of Jesus’ prayer life in action – they saw the results His prayer life produced. It must have made an impact on them.
Learning how to pray effectively should be our number one priority also. When we know how to pray and teach others how to pray, our problems will be resolved.
Some people think that praying means asking God for something and then begging Him for it until they get it. However, effective praying involves re-speaking God’s Word back to Him in faith, knowing that God is faithful to watch over His Word to see that it is performed. He continues, “For I will hasten to perform My Word.” (Jer. 1:12) Speaking His Word consistently and sincerely invites the Holy Spirit to work and also activates the angels. (Ps. 103:20)
NUCLEAR PRAYERS THAT BLAST THE DEVIL can teach you how to pray effectively and with authority.
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